Verify you are on the Desales Network and not Guest Wi-Fi
- Click the start menu (Windows button on the bottom left of the screen)
- Open File Explorer (Folder Icon)
- Right-click on “This PC” on the left-hand side of the file explorer window
- Choose “Map Network Drive”
- Choose the Drive letter of the drive you want to map
- For the Folder field input the desired network drive path
- ( Refer to Network Drive Paths Below)
- Make sure that “Reconnect at Sign-in” is turned on
- Then click finish and the drive should then appear for you
Network Drive Paths:
K: drive - \\cvfs08\FacultyDept
G: drive - \\cvfs08\class
H: drive - \\cvfs08\FacApps
I: drive - \\cvfs08\StaffApps
L: drive - \\cvfs08\StaffDept
P: drive - \\cvfs08\home\username (typically your last name first initial . . (smithf)