eFax Service

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DeSales University eFax Service


1.0 Purpose

This protocol sets a standard for the electronic fax (eFax) service established for DeSales University. eFax is a service that allows authorized users to securely send and receive faxes via their DeSales email.

2.0 Scope

In keeping with the overall strategy to migrate away from the previous phone system, faxing is also moving to a cloud-based faxing solution that is FERPA and HIPAA compliant. This also aligns with the work to centralize printing and reduce the number of smaller printers and fax machines from the network. 

Some benefits of eFax are:

  • Security of faxing from your computer.
  • Ability to select and attach specific documents.
    (Word, Excel, PDF, TIFF, JPEG, BMP)
  • Verification of what was sent and when.
  • Sending one fax to multiple fax numbers.
  • People using the DeSales general fax number will have the fax forwarded to your DeSales email address.
  • Departments with dedicated fax numbers will have faxes delivered to department’s shared fax e-mail account.
  • Ability to retrieve a fax from your e-mail account when not in your office

There is no need to inform the recipients you are sending via eFax. They will see the fax arrive as they saw it in the past.

A cover page is automatically generated, including the number of pages and your name, using the subject and body of the email.


3.0 Protocol

Departments designate fax coordinator(s) to send faxes on behalf of anyone in their area. If you don't know who your coordinator is, contact your Administrative Assistant. Generally, the fax coordinators are the same individual(s). 

DeSales Faculty/Staff (non-fax coordinators) needing to send a fax: contact your department's designated fax coordinator.

Designated departmental fax coordinators: before being able to send faxes from your computer, you'll need to be added to the eFax system. Have the department leadership send a request to the Helpdesk at helpdesk@desales.edu   Helpdesk will assign ticket to Paul Benner or Mark Albert



4.0 How To Fax

Departments designate fax coordinator(s) to send faxes on behalf of anyone in their area. If you don't know who your coordinator is, contact your Administrative Assistant. Generally, the fax coordinators are the same individual(s). 

Sending Faxes


  • EMAIL TO: FaxNumber@egoldfax.com (ex: 6102821480@egoldfax.com)
    • Subject and Message text are placed on to the Fax Cover Sheet including email signature
    • ATTACH documents (Word, Excel, PDF, TIFF, JPEG, BMP) to email message
      • Note: “1” before fax number and hyphens are optional
      • International fax numbers: Enter 011, country code, area or city code, and phone number followed by @egoldfax.com
      • Parentheses are not allowed in the Fax Number
      • You’ll receive a “Fax Confirmation” email (success/failure) for your record. Fax Confirmation sent to “From Email”
  • PAPER DOCUMENTS: Scan-to-Email from Sharp MultiFunctionProducts (MFPs)
    • SELECT Scan-to-Email from MFP Touch Panel
    • In the "TO:" Field ENTER: FaxNumber@egoldfax.com
      • Option: Enter Message, Subject, specify the email sender


Receiving Faxes

       Campus Fax Number 610-282-1480

  • Faxes sent to 610-282-1480 will be routed by the Helpdesk via email to the recipient
    • Please request person sending fax to include your name and email on cover sheet for faster routing
    • Please inform the Helpdesk when you are anticipating a fax

    Departmental Fax Numbers

  • Approved departmental fax numbers are automatically set to route to the fax email address set up by Information Technology.
    • The department fax coordinator has access to this email and will be able to route the fax appropriately.