MFA Complete instructions

Tags MFA

These instructions are used if the user is OFF campus or ON campus using DSU Network.

All Faculty and Staff are required to use MFA for accessing your DeSales account. 

You will be required to have the Microsoft Authentication App on your phone.

Follow these instructions below if you are OFF Campus. If you are on campus scroll down further for those instructions.

ON your Phone 

If you do not have the MICROSOFT Authenticator App, Then Download the App.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

If you already have the App, make sure you remove any DeSales accounts that are already in the App. You can do this by tapping once on the account name and then click the gear symbol. Then click remove.
DO NOT add an account yet. Go to your computer.


Open Browser and navigate to 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Sign in with your DeSales Email and Password

  1. You will be directed to your DeSales University Portal page.  
  2. Sign in again with your DeSales Email and Password.

*If you are on campus and on the DeSales Network, You might get directly into

If you get right into then go to the * section below.

Otherwise, if you get this message, then continue following these instructions.

At Pop Up, More Information required,

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Select Next

Microsoft Authenticator link will appear.  App should already be downloaded, if not, download. 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Select NEXT - It should then say Create an Account.

Go to your PHONE - Select Add an Account on your phone

Click Next

  • Select Work or School account 
  • It should ask you How do you want to proceed.  SELECT to "Scan QR code" (It might ask for access to the Camera, say OK)


Select Next  If prompted, allow notifications. 

GO BACK to Computer click Next

If asked how do you want to authenticate choose the APP.

Select next. A QR-code will appear on the computer.

Hover your Phone over the QR code


Your Phone will accept the code and direct you to DeSales University, Select Next

Enter the 2-digit code.  Computer will reflect Notification approved, Select Next

This completes the App part of registration. 

* Instructions if you get right into (Probably because you are on Campus on Network)

Click your picture (or initials) by the upper right inside of Office

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)



Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Next page, On the left side, click Security INFO

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Next click the "+" sign to Add sign-in method

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Select Microsoft Authenticator.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  1. It says "Start by getting the App". But you already have it. So, click NEXT.
  2. Next page says Setup your account.
  3. Now Go to your PHONE and click "+" sign to add an account. Select Work or School
  4. Next select Authenticator App by way of QR code. The camera on your phone should open to scan.
  5. Go back to COMPUTER and click next. You will see a QR code on the computer
  6. You now Hoover the phone over the QR code.
  7. You will now see your DeSales account in the app.
  8. On the computer, click next. It will ask you to test it out. It will give you a number to put in the app.

Enter the number.  Computer will reflect Notification approved, Select Next

Congratulations you have added the Microsoft Authenticator.