Initial password: the default initial password is your date of birth, followed by DeSales in the following format mmddyyDeSales. example: if your date of birth is Feb 3, 2025, your password would be 020325DeSales
User Name: xx0000 (used for enrolling and resetting your password, WIFI credentials, or accessing individual applications or sites that require User Name )
Enroll in password reset: DeSales Password Reset Enrollment
Change or Reset password (after enrolled) Reset password here
Email: (Used to sign into the Desales Portal/MyDSU or Microsoft
Desales uses SSO (single sign on) Once signed into the MyDSU, you will automatically signed into all of your Desales applications. Signing into MyDSU should be the first step you take before accessing any other Desales Applications, including Brightspace or email
For additional information about Desales Technology, please refer to our Knowledge Base and Service Catalog
All Microsoft Apps can be accessed here, after first logging into the MyDSU