Navigating the Setup Wizard
Select and open your course
Locate the grades tab in the navigation bar
Locate “Setup Wizard” in the toolbar
Read through the default settings of the gradebook. If everything appears fine, then there is no need to go through the setup wizard. Otherwise, scroll to the bottom and click the button that says “Start”
Grading System
The grading system is divided into two different categories
Weighted – This means that the assignments/quizzes/exams are graded by the percentage of final grade
Points – This means that the final grade is calculated based on the amount of points the student received on assignments/quizzes/exams
Final Grade Released
Calculated Final Grade – This is calculated using the formula already set up in the gradebook.
Adjusted Final Grade – Allows you to modify or adjust users' grades before releasing them.
Automatically release final grade – This is whether or not the system automatically calculates and notifies the student when final grades are released.
Grade Calculations
Ungraded items could either be seen as dropped or as a 0. If displayed as a 0, the student’s grade will be affected by a 0 in whichever affiliation listed. If the ungraded item is seen as dropped, it will not affect the student’s grade until a grade is put in for that assignment in the gradebook.
Auto-update determines whether or not ungraded assignments continuously update the gradebook and final grade.
Choose Default Grade Scheme
Grade scheme displays how the grades appear in your grade book. Whether it includes certain letter grades or assigns a color to the letter grade. It’s best to just leave as default and continue.
Managing View Display Options
This is the number of decimals displayed to users grading a course.
Grade Details
Points grade – Determines whether or not the points are shown to the student
Grade scheme symbol – Determines whether or not the grade scheme symbol is displayed
Grade scheme color – Determines whether or not the color for each letter grade is displayed