Harmonize: Setting Up Discussion


Instructions on how to set up Harmonize Discussion


To set up Harmonize in a Brightspace course: 

  1. Log into Brightspace 

  2. Go to your course 

  3. Go to the "Content" area 

  4. Go to the Module where you want to put the Harmonize assignment 

  5. Click on "Existing Activities" 

  6. Click on "Harmonize" 

  7. Click on "Discussion" 

  8. Choose whether you will use an already existing version or if you will be creating a new one 

    1. If choosing an already existing version, choose the version you already created 

    2. If creating a new one, enter the name of the discussion, the points that you want it to be worth, and whether or not you want it to be graded. (Typically yes) 

  9. Click Save 

  10. Click on the Harmonize link that you just created back in the Content area 



Article ID: 11435
Wed 3/6/24 3:37 PM
Wed 3/6/24 3:37 PM